• 680 reviews
Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans
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Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans
Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans

Experience the Power of Buster Chrome Extension for Solving Captchas

Are you tired of dealing with difficult captchas that seem impossible to solve? Look no further than Buster, a powerful browser extension that will revolutionize your captcha-solving experience. With an impressive total rating of 3.8 based on user reviews, Buster is a game-changer when it comes to overcoming those pesky captchas.

What is Buster?

Buster is a Chrome extension designed to help you solve captchas effortlessly. Its main feature is the ability to complete reCAPTCHA audio challenges by utilizing advanced speech recognition technology. By simply clicking on the Buster extension button at the bottom of the reCAPTCHA widget, you can quickly solve challenging captchas and gain access to the desired content or service.

Enhance Your Captcha-Solving Success

While Buster offers excellent captcha-solving capabilities, it's important to note that challenges may not always be solved due to the limitations of the technology. However, the developers are constantly working to improve the extension's functionality. To further enhance your success rate, you can utilize a client app provided by Buster. This app simulates user interactions, increasing the likelihood of solving more captchas effectively. The client app is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS, ensuring that users across various platforms can benefit from its features.

Overcoming the Challenges

Solving captchas can be a frustrating experience, causing delays and even blocking access to vital services and information. Buster aims to address this issue by providing a user-friendly solution that bridges the gap between humans and automated systems. By utilizing the extension, you can bypass the difficulties posed by captchas and enjoy a seamless browsing experience.

It's worth mentioning that solving an excessive number of reCAPTCHA challenges in a single day may result in a temporary block, irrespective of your use of the Buster extension. To learn more about this limitation and gain valuable insights, visit the Buster wiki.

Join the Buster Community

The development of Buster is made possible thanks to the support of its awesome backers. If you'd like to contribute and be a part of this innovative project, consider joining as a backer. Visit the Patreon page to learn more about how you can support the ongoing development of Buster.

Compatible with Edge and Firefox

Great news for Edge and Firefox users! Buster is not limited to Chrome; it is also available as an extension for Edge and Firefox browsers. This means that you can enjoy the benefits of Buster regardless of your preferred browser.

Sharing Feedback and Reporting Issues

Got feedback or encountered a bug? Head over to the Buster GitHub page to submit bug reports, provide feedback, or make feature requests. The developers actively monitor GitHub for any issues and strive to continuously improve the extension based on user feedback.

Experience the power of Buster Chrome extension and say goodbye to the frustration of difficult captchas. Try it out today and unlock a smoother browsing experience!

Helps solve difficult captchas using speech recognition

Client app improves success rate through user interactions

Improves web experience by providing easy access to solutions

Challenges are not always guaranteed to be solved

Solving too many challenges may lead to temporary block

680 reviews
15 Reviews For This Extension

Can say it work's, however it doesn't work on all captcha's. This extension only works on reCAPTCHA so if your looking for something to solve all of them, this ain't it.

Billy Barker

I get the feeling the solution is worse than the problem. It downloads and installs an extension application.




This is one of the best extensions on here. Google may block your IP and you would have to reset your network or use a VPN for another smooth run. I also noticed that clearing your cache and history also helps in resolving this annoying notification from Google. I recommend using an image captcha solver alongside this, God knows all captchas will become obsolete very soon. Also add settings to control automation in the options tab, it is really hard coming up with a script to click that green and orange button. Still optimistic, maybe the updates for this extension and the free speech-to-text APIs that make it accessible to more people will finally make them think of less annoying ways of protecting websites against bots. Keep up the good work!

Nurlan Hacızadə

Please add automatic detection and resolution. I don't want to have to click the button every time myself.


it just werks and it werks even when you dont use the program they tell you to install even steam gets fooled!

khaled gamal

i test this project and it's good but it have some problem like you need to install some program to help the extension to work and you can't solve a lot of recaptcha because google will block your ip so you will need to restart your computer to able to solve recaptcha again so i do my research and i find this extension https://link-hub.net/685766/captcha-solver that solve reCAPTCHA\hCaptcha and i test it and it work very will

Winston Zhou

why is the option not appearing on steam? Any help?

Jared Matheus Rivera Dongon

getting a steam acc is hard as hell but this helped me

raby tunez

Very good extension it helpful while you visit multiple website

Γιαννης Μιχαηλ

thank you so much. i finally made a steam account, i found this extension from a random indian guy in youtube

cokeohvr monkey

steam took me like 700 trys to do but this help

monidip Habiganj

How i will use on Android

Saad Ullah

Best for captcha bypass

Cici tunez

Good web extension

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